
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Detoxification And Fiber

Toxins are all around us. In a typical day in the life of an office worker, waking up at six thirty in the morning to prepare to go outside to drive or commute to work, we inhale the lead in the air that comes out from the emissions of cars on the road. Without eating anything yet, we are having these pollutants for breakfast. By lunch time, we go to our favorite fast food to grab a bite, a big mac, large french fries and tall glass of soda's are on most people's menu. Then after work, it back to another commute back home but not before stopping by another fast food chain to buy dinner. Then after eating it is off to sleep again and the cycle starts all over again.

Continued exposure to toxic chemicals and pollutants whether inhaled or ingested results in cancer, hormonal dysfunction, neuro toxicity and all sorts of diseases and conditions. It is therefore important to detoxify our bodies once in a while. Detoxifications comes in several forms. Fasting and diets can reduce the toxic levels in our body, herbs, probiotics, antioxidants from taking vitamin E or from fruits, enzymes and bowel cleansing either naturally or via laxative can significantly reduce the toxins present in our body.

In all the forms mentioned in detoxification, fiber plays an important role. Eating foods rich in fiber makes for regular bowel movement. Which expels waste in our body that may build up over time and can cause further harm. For people unable to eat foods rich in fiber, there are commercial supplements that are available. Dietary fibers are actually carbohydrates. But unlike other foods, they cannot be digested, they don't have calories and wont add to your weight even if you take several servings. But before taking any detoxification therapy, each one of us must seek the advice of a health care professional first to see if you are fit to undergo such thereapy.



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